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If you thought last week a fluke; take a focus on Shabbat Eve.

There I was, having a Smoothie and a Smoke, sitting on bench outside the Shul. In the office was Pinchus, Ratty, and P Moloch as well as the Secretary. Amazing how many bodies in that tiny office.

C.G. had passed, seen the backs, didn’t bother try the door. Everyone hates him.

I spoke to my operative to get the latest suss. What is so amusing is that she had Chik-V and gave Crazy Tanya pretty bad advice. Crazy Tanya swears by that advice. Of course, Crazy Tanya’s dose of Chik-V is lasting longer than others. She had to run to the doctor last week, so it is cost her about ten/twenty times what it cost me. But then, I knew what to do.

So as I sit under the tree, C.G. comes over. Claims he read my blog. Now I know he isn’t talking about this one, because he can Google until his fingers bleed and he’ll never find it. He claimed that I said a lot of negative things about him. I agreed. Told him he was a bad fit. I minced words a little, after all, kicking a man when he’s down isn’t nice.

Everyone hates him. No one talks to him. And me, who he escoriated, insulted, ignored, treated like dirt…he’s going to talk to me. That’s swell. He’s going to talk to me because I am the only one who will talk to him.

I can smoke and he won’t do the [cough, cough cigarettes effect me] because I don’t need to talk to him.

I had called B earlier in the day to see if he was coming, he wasn’t so I contacted my Taxi driver so I know I’m getting home. The days of expecting one of these ‘Jews’ to drop me, even if they are passing my gate is gone.

As Tanya wasn’t there the singing wasn’t it’s usually earpain, Torn Tallit showed up, which was okay. He has a fairly good voice.

I was at Kiddush when the Taxi came so left without saying ‘good=bye’ not that anyone cared if I was there or not.

Tanya called Shabbat morning and I declined. I think I’ve seen enough of C.G. for the month, much less two days in a row, and the thought of hearing her screech into a mic had my ears begging me not to expose them.